=====GDPR and sharing data===== Whenever you are working with personal data you do have to use GDPR compliant data sharing tools: ===GDPR Compliant applications=== * Surf drive {{https://www.surf.nl/en/surfdrive-store-and-share-your-files-securely-in-the-cloud}} * Surf Research drive {{https://userinfo.surfsara.nl/systems/researchdrive}} * Surf Filesender {{https://filesender.surf.nl}} * VRE (Virtual Research Environment) {{https://www.bibliotheek.universiteitleiden.nl/onderzoekers/gebruik-van-digitale-data/vre}} * STRW sftp (You need an [[strw:observatory_account_policy|STRW account]] for this) * STRW https disclosure via [[policies:security:web|personal or project websites]] When you are using non-personal data and data that is not proprietary, so data that is open access, you can user non-GPDR compliant tools: ===GDPR non-compliant applications=== * Google Drive {{https://www.google.com/drive/}} * Dropbox {{https://www.dropbox.com}} * WeTransfer {{https://wetransfer.com/}} * STRW anon-ftp [[:anonymous_ftp]] You are personally responsible for using the correct tool for your science data.