======Reserve Meeting Rooms GOB====== =====Introduction===== The meeting rooms in the GOrlaeus Building (GOB) can be reserved through the STRW secretariat if you need to setup a series of meetings, like a group meeting each week. You can, however, reserve rooms (one slot at a time) yourself at max 1 month ahead of time. There are 8 Sterrewacht only reservable rooms: * Sirius: BW.4.17a (10 pers) * Canopus: BW.4.18a (10 pers) * Alpha Centauri: BW.4.33a (10 pers) * Arcturus: BW.4.34a (10 pers) * Vega: BM.4.18 (8 pers) * Capella: BW.3.33a (10 pers) * Rigel: BW.3.34a (10 pers) * Oort Room: BM.4.33 (26 pers) In addition there are generally available rooms in the C-wing East: * CE.0.08 (26 pers) * CE.0.12 (26 pers) * CE.0.18 (28 pers) In the C middle section: * CM.1.25 (4 pers) * CM.1.27 (4 pers) * CM.1.29 (6 pers) * CM.1.31 (6 pers) * CM.1.33 (4 pers) * DM.4.26 (6 pers) * DM.4.28 (6 pers) =====Setup account for reservation===== You need to setup an active account for the system in order to place reservations. To do so you need to login to the system once, then request that your account is connected to the Sterrewacht role. After this has been done your account is qualified to reserve STRW meeting rooms and the general meeting rooms on the ground floor. ====Procedure==== * Login into [[https://universiteitleiden.okku.io | SharedDesk utility]] using your ULCN credenatials. {{ :strw:1.jpg?400 |}} * After you have successfully logged in you see {{ :strw:2.jpg?400 |}} with your observatory email address and you click 'Add to existing account' * A new window opens stating you have an email in your (observatory) email box, which must be used to confirm your identity: {{ :strw:3.jpg?400 |}} * In the email you find a link, copy/paste that into your browser and it will confirm your identity and take you into the reservation system. =====Booking a room===== You can personally reserve a meeting room in the Sterrewacht, or one of the three rooms in the CE wing ground floor. To do so: * Log into [[https://universiteitleiden.okku.io | SharedDesk utility]] * Select the floor where the meeting room you want to reserve is located * Set the reservation date/time in the top selection box. Once you have done so you see which rooms are available for reservation for your slot. * If the meeting room is colored green, you can reserve it (if it is gray someone else has reserved the room, if it is yellow you have already reserved the room). Click on the room to confirm your reservation. Once you reserve a meeting, you will get an email from SharedDesk (no-reply@ufb.leidenuniv.nl) confirming your reservation. To see a list of your reservations, click the 'my reservations' option in the top navigation bar.