The disadvantage of the free Fedora Linux distribution is its short lifecycle. When we adopted this version, we knew we might have to upgrade all computers approximately once a year, which is actually a small price to pay for a free and up-to-date operating system. The advantage of this disadvantage is of course, that our software collection is always very up-to-date.
And now (January 2015) it is about time to start upgrading again. Actually, we have already started on student pcs and a few others, and over the next month or so we will upgrade as many of the systems as possible. We have spent quite some time to streamline the upgrade process, so on most reasonably fast pcs an upgrade will take approximately 3 hours. Therefore we think it is most efficient that we just execute the upgrades whenever a computer seems to be unused for part of the day, without wasting too much time on planning. Experience has shown that most plans fall apart due to changes in schedule anyway. However, if you know you desperately need your computer due to an upcoming deadline or so, please let us know. Otherwise, just log out whenever you don't need your computer for a while, and chances are, we will at some point detect this and perform the upgrade.
Local links:
as our display manager, the program that displays the login window. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false
To execute this, if you don't have any terminals open after logging in, press Alt-F2 to get the run dialog.pmount
can be used to mount removable media (cdrom,dvd,usb-disks) from the commandline. E.g.: pmount /dev/cdrom
mounts the cd/dvd as /media/cdrom.Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.
To get rid of these warnings, move the configuration files to their new locations:
mkdir ~/.config/fontconfig mv ~/.fonts.conf.d ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d mv ~/.fonts.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
Unfortunately, once you do that, older versions of Fontconfig will not see your personal preferences (eg on RedHat machines like the computation nodes and servers).
PS: when you do change these locations, you may want to cleanup the even older files and directories .fontconfig and .fonts.cache-* if they exist, to free some space.
(setq select-active-regions nil) (setq mouse-drag-copy-region t) (setq x-select-enable-primary t) (setq x-select-enable-clipboard nil) (global-set-key [mouse-2] 'mouse-yank-at-click)
module load intel
. However, for most code, the GNU compilers are better than these slightly older Intel compiler versions. (if you read that the Intel compiler has speed benefits, this probably refers to the very expensive current version, which we cannot install on a system-wide basis)mathtext.fontset : stix
And while you're at it, it often makes sense to add these settings as well:
backend : TkAgg ps.papersize : A4